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It's funny how just a couple of little things that occur can really change my attitude. I start out trying to be really positive and end up working myself up to lofty unrealistic expectations, then turn to negative, destructive behavior when said things *magically* don't live up to those impossible ideas. What a surprise. So what do you do, then? What do you do when things, little things at that, have such power to sour a mood? When that mood changes what you're doing or were going to do? Why do I give such little things such power? When will I stop and decide to take care of me? I go from wanting to completely isolate myself from everyone and everything, to desperately wanting company and to occupy time with conversations that lead to learning about others. I find isolation comforting and terrifying at the same time. The same goes with being around others. I used to not be like this. Ever since I recently made the decision that I was going to actually process  someth...
Recent posts


I used to have this idea that I was going to create these elaborate and thought provoking posts. That I would inspire someone. That I would have followers. Really. Kind of silly now that I look back on it. Anymore, I just want to be a better person than I was the day before. I want to love people better. I've recently seen a lot of things in the local, national, and world news that aren't pleasant. My first reaction is to get enraged and/or feel hopeless. But time again, I keep coming back to a wise man's words: In a world where people react negatively more than they tend to think, I'll always be thankful for Dr. King's reminder that it's okay to reach out in love.

Here I Am!

Here I am, updating you after 15 months of silence, little creature of craft. I am such a neglectful blog mom. I won't promise you I'll update often, because that usually means a longer hiatus. What I will do is try to get my latest crochet works posted, because goodness I've been making quite a few things! July is when two things usually occur: 1. I start slowly losing my focus due to the excessive heat. Here in Oklahoma the temperatures soar to quite a height. It's not a big deal to see triple digits around this time. But this area is still fairly humid, too, so imagine sitting in a hot tub fully clothed. Except you're walking around. And that water is your sweat. Not a pretty picture. Luckily it's been a mild summer here due to the insane rains and flooding that have occurred. Even now the state is still under a heat advisory in excess of 100. So a lot of time is spent swimming and trying to stay cool! Thoughts of fall float through my mind often. I...

Happy Easter!

Hey there!  I just wanted to give a little wave on here and say a huge Happy Easter to all of you in blogland.  We hiked, picnicked, and enjoyed spending time with each other: Oklahoma is gorgeous year round.  I've yet to wander all the parks in my area.  We're toying with the idea of making next Sunday a picnic Sunday, too.   I meant to post this picture a couple of weeks ago.  April 4th, as you know, marked one year that I've been on this weight loss journey.  Well, as of April 4, I'd stepped on the scales and I'd lost 50 pounds - YESSS!  I celebrated by heading to the store with my husband and..... picking out a decent visual to represent how much fifty pounds really is: Truth?  Fifty pounds is, well... HEAVY!  I struggled to get the big bag of dog food you see here in my arms - it's time to strengthen the upper arms, I guess!  Hard to believe I was carrying all that weight around on my body. ...

What a year!

Well, it’s been one year. 365 days. One year ago today, I walked out of my doctor’s office scared, confused, and angry.  I had just been handed two difficult diagnoses, and felt so unsure of my next steps.  I had walked in with high expectations.  I was starting a new job which meant a move.  I’d be moving away from the city and the house we owned to a new destination, a town about two hours away where I knew no one.  Things I was aware of:  1).  We would begin the grueling task of moving all our belongings – and for two packrats, that task is daunting!  And 2) I had landed a position in education that I wanted to pursue.  This move meant leaving my husband for several weeks and living on my own.  It meant leaving our support system and friends I’ve known all my life and been in close proximity to…. for the unknown.  I knew no one in my new town.  But I decided to take a chance and try out this new adventure. ...


Do you know what's difficult, blog land?  Trying to have a blog that is made up of only  ONE kind of thing.  The reason I started this blog, for example.  I wanted to just talk about and post pictures of crochet.  Yarny yarns and hooks and patterns and projects in the making, and the finished (at last!  Finished!) projects.  Oh, I wanted to do those things, and those things only. But I'm not a machine.  A lot of my time is spent not crocheting and hanging out with yarny yarns and hooks and patterns.  I'm a human, and that means I develop new and varied interests and am curious about a wide variety of things.  And that's okay.  I will always crochet.  I love it too much to say adios.  But I've realized that having a blog dedicated to just one thing, for me, is a poor idea.  There are just too many things I like to blog about, and maybe there's a fun picture out there I want to share that doesn't fit in with crochet.....

A Resolution I'm Sticking To

So of course, I've managed to let a few months slip by without posting anything.  Honestly, there hasn't been a whole lot to post!  It's been a tough winter here in OK, with unusually cold bitter winds and quite a bit of snow compared to last year.  I don't mean to complain, but I will be pretty excited when spring has officially sprung!  This past weekend was daylight savings time, and while I really enjoy the extra light at the end of the day, I just hate giving up the extra 60 minutes of sleep!  I know it's only an hour, but I am dragging this morning for sure! One of my New Year's resolutions (the only one, honestly) was to complete a 5K every month.  I've been trying to attack this resolution head on.  In January I finished my first ever official timed 5K, the  Freeze Your Face-Off 5K  in downtown Oklahoma City.  It was such a great experience, and I got to meet up with a couple of high school friends I hadn't seen in over a decad...