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Do you know what's difficult, blog land?  Trying to have a blog that is made up of only  ONE kind of thing.  The reason I started this blog, for example.  I wanted to just talk about and post pictures of crochet.  Yarny yarns and hooks and patterns and projects in the making, and the finished (at last!  Finished!) projects.  Oh, I wanted to do those things, and those things only.

But I'm not a machine.  A lot of my time is spent not crocheting and hanging out with yarny yarns and hooks and patterns.  I'm a human, and that means I develop new and varied interests and am curious about a wide variety of things.  And that's okay.  I will always crochet.  I love it too much to say adios.  But I've realized that having a blog dedicated to just one thing, for me, is a poor idea.  There are just too many things I like to blog about, and maybe there's a fun picture out there I want to share that doesn't fit in with crochet..... then what am I supposed to do??

So this past year, there have been many fun moments and moment I may have wanted to share.  But because it didn't fall into crochet, I didn't feel it appropriate to list it here.  

And that's stupid!!

I don't want to compartmentalize my life.  If I did that, I'd have around 6935 blogs.  It would be exhausting!  So I'm going to mix this blog up, and turn it into what I think will be better:  a blog.  A place where I'll come and post about anything that's on my mind (you know, like a blogger who blogs would do).  I'm sure there will be posts about crochet, and posts about fitness, and posts about random silly things.  But it will be really me.  How does that sound?  

Thanks for sticking it out with me, if there are any of you out there that read this.  :)  And just because, here's a fun picture that I like, from a favorite series of silly videos, Llamas with Hats.  Click the link to get some twisted humor.  Why do I post this?  For absolutely no reason.  Enjoy!

(I might particularly enjoy this so much because my husband's name is Carl.  I enjoy using a nagging, whining tone of voice to say his name like this sometimes.  Which he loves.)


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