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Happy Easter!

Hey there!  I just wanted to give a little wave on here and say a huge Happy Easter to all of you in blogland.  We hiked, picnicked, and enjoyed spending time with each other:

Oklahoma is gorgeous year round.  I've yet to wander all the parks in my area.  We're toying with the idea of making next Sunday a picnic Sunday, too.  

I meant to post this picture a couple of weeks ago.  April 4th, as you know, marked one year that I've been on this weight loss journey.  Well, as of April 4, I'd stepped on the scales and I'd lost 50 pounds - YESSS!  I celebrated by heading to the store with my husband and..... picking out a decent visual to represent how much fifty pounds really is:

Truth?  Fifty pounds is, well... HEAVY!  I struggled to get the big bag of dog food you see here in my arms - it's time to strengthen the upper arms, I guess!  Hard to believe I was carrying all that weight around on my body.  No wonder I felt sluggish!  The past couple of weeks, I've been trying my best to stay on plan, eat well, and keep up a healthy level of exercise, and I've seen some awesome results this month because of it!  Now, in all honesty, today wasn't so hot.  Our picnic didn't contain the healthiest options.  But you know, I'm back on board tomorrow, and ready to get back to my great habits.  It's kind of a cool thing what happens when you make a routine out of eating right:  when you make an unhealthy choice, your body feels it and reacts accordingly.  Like tonight, I'm feeling kind of tired and run down, and I know it's got to be because of what I chose to eat for lunch and dinner.  It's just not WORTH feeling this way, you know?  It's worth it to eat well from the get go.  Food for thought.  

Much love to you!


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