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Here I Am!

Here I am, updating you after 15 months of silence, little creature of craft. I am such a neglectful blog mom. I won't promise you I'll update often, because that usually means a longer hiatus. What I will do is try to get my latest crochet works posted, because goodness I've been making quite a few things!

July is when two things usually occur:

1. I start slowly losing my focus due to the excessive heat. Here in Oklahoma the temperatures soar to quite a height. It's not a big deal to see triple digits around this time. But this area is still fairly humid, too, so imagine sitting in a hot tub fully clothed. Except you're walking around. And that water is your sweat. Not a pretty picture.

Luckily it's been a mild summer here due to the insane rains and flooding that have occurred. Even now the state is still under a heat advisory in excess of 100. So a lot of time is spent swimming and trying to stay cool! Thoughts of fall float through my mind often. I'm trying not to rush the days, but I honestly can't wait to walk out into the crisp morning air and break my hoodies out again. Oh fall, I love you so.

2. I have to appreciate this time of year, however, because in July I start finalizing the things I will be making for friends and family for Christmas gifts! You might be thinking it's too early to start on Christmas presents, but I love making things for others, and the list gets awfully long once I sort out who I want to crochet for, and since I only have two hands....  I get started as soon as I possibly can!  I've already made some items, and I can't wait to show you!

My favorite part of the crochet process is probably picking out the pattern. The yarn choice is a close second, but I absolutely am enamored with searching through patterns, looking for ideas, and once in a great while, making a pattern of my own. I think about the recipient's style, personality, and then I envision their expression when they open their gift. It makes me so happy that I can create for others.

I need to get some decent pictures to put on here regarding my latest endeavors, but until then, please know I'm still around, and still creating!

Love to you,



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