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I'm not dead - an update!

And just like that, two plus months go by without me doing any posting.  Very sad, indeed.  BUT I do have a very good reason for it, I promise....

For starters, I moved!  In mid March I went to an interview and lo and behold, was offered the position just a few days later.  Here's the catch - my new job is 2+ hours away from our house.  After my husband and I did some soul searching, we decided to sale our house and go for it!  He's been looking for a new job in the same area as well, and I just happened to get mine first.  So March/early April was very busy with packing, planning, and finding a place to live in my new town!  I'll admit, I've been a little nervous/wishy-washy about this whole thing.  I was born and raised in the same 40 mile radius my entire life, after all.  Even though the move is about 2.5 hours away from where our house is, it's still a long ways to me!  Leaving behind seeing family and friends on a regular basis, all my coworkers, and my life as I knew it, for an unfamiliar place and a new job... it was a little daunting.

Nature Conservancy, Oklahoma, Spring, Tall Grass Prairie Preserve
                , photo

(This land is very near where I now live.  I traded in city life for true county prairie.  So much quiet.  So much space.  It feels like your soul can actually breathe.  Ahhhh.....)

I've been at my new position for a week, and It.  Is.  Absolutely.  Wonderful.  This just goes to show that it is WORTH IT in life to take risks.  Had I not accepted this job, I would be always wondering just what it would have been like, and what my life would have been like.  I love where I'm at.  I am enjoying my new (smaller) community, and I am starting to make friends and feel more at home.  I am still missing being close to friends I've had my entire life, and knowing that family was just a short drive from me.  But I (and really, my husband more than I) knew that I needed to do this. 

There's another catch - my sweet, sweet husband is not able to move with me at this time.  He will be up here at the end of May, but my first few weeks in this new place are completely solo.  That has been a major adjustment.  I am missing him and my darling Hazy (my kitty from my previous post) terribly.  While the internet provides face to face conversations and communication, nothing makes up for actually being there in person.  I am doing alright with this, but there are moments that I really miss having someone else in my apartment with me.  I've been married for 5+ years, and in that amount of time your life fits and gets snuggled so comfortable with someone else's.  It's strange when that's not around.  It's only for 5 weeks (I'm a little over week 1 right now), so there is an end in sight.  I must say though, I have no idea how military spouses or couples who have to spend months apart for job situations do it.  You folks are super strong to me.  Kudos, kudos.

I was also on a bit of a crafting hiatus because I discovered I have a couple of health issues.  Nothing too serious.  I'm going to live a long, long time - rest assured!  But I've had a couple of alarms to take care of, and I am working on doing just that and being healthy me!  But enough of this...

So, my favorite things are in my new apartment, and that counts all my tubs of yarn.  I had no idea how much yarn I actually had until I started buying tubs, sorting, and organizing everything for the move.  It's close to obsession status, I would say.  I'll post a picture with my next post.  While I was a little horrified at the sheer amount I was loading onto the moving truck, my husband just smiled and said "You don't have too much.  You just have inventory."  Ah, a man after my own heart right there.

I've been crafting every evening in my little apartment, and really enjoying it!  I find it's much easier to work with yarn when there's not a cat in the house (I love her, but she really loves attacking my skeins!).  I hope to post the end result of a beastly beautiful project I've been working on since August (I know!  AUGUST!).  I had to set it aside in September to work on Christmas projects for family/friends.  This spring has been a little nuts, so I am just now getting around to completing it.  It's the first of its kind that I've made for myself, and I am stoked!  Pictures coming this week (because I just KNOW that I'll have it completed that soon!  Yippee!)

What have you been up to lately?


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