So of course, I've managed to let a few months slip by without posting anything. Honestly, there hasn't been a whole lot to post! It's been a tough winter here in OK, with unusually cold bitter winds and quite a bit of snow compared to last year. I don't mean to complain, but I will be pretty excited when spring has officially sprung! This past weekend was daylight savings time, and while I really enjoy the extra light at the end of the day, I just hate giving up the extra 60 minutes of sleep! I know it's only an hour, but I am dragging this morning for sure! One of my New Year's resolutions (the only one, honestly) was to complete a 5K every month. I've been trying to attack this resolution head on. In January I finished my first ever official timed 5K, the Freeze Your Face-Off 5K in downtown Oklahoma City. It was such a great experience, and I got to meet up with a couple of high school friends I hadn't seen in over a decad...