Is it weird that my first real post is dedicated to a furry feline friend of mine? I hope so. Because weird is simply what I end up being, no matter how much I fight it. This is Hazy. She’s a rescue cat. We got her because my husband simply refused to have a cat, claiming he was allergic, and there was NO WAY that we could have an indoor pet. After a lot of persuading and pleading, he agreed to be a foster parent with me for the Humane Society. Essentially, we would foster an animal for two weeks during a quarantine period, then the pet would be able to live in the Humane Society adoption center. Well…. Hazy was the first pet we fostered. The husband simply couldn’t give her up. Can you blame him? The day that we were scheduled to bring her into the center, my husband reached over to the chair where Hazy was laying, and said softly “maybe we could keep this one.” And that was it. Hazy has become a true m...