Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. ~ Helen Keller, American educator There are so many beautiful things in the world. There are so many wonderful creations to see, explore, touch, and wonder. Do you notice them? I have made it a point in my daily walks to notice more about the world around me. Beautiful places. Here is a very, very small sample of what I encounter on a daily basis. I try to really appreciate it all. Solitude. The smell of honeysuckle makes my life instantly positive. A small pond through the branches. Sometimes this isn't easy to do. When I have a negative encounter with people, when I feel snubbed by those I love, when my mind simply won't let me s.l.o.w. d.o.w.n. enough to enjoy - all these things make it difficult to see this amazing world for what it is. But I try. While all these people and situations exist, there are others who exist who ad...